p. guide of art / blog project.


Inspiration #2: Mon petit lapin.


  1. Hey there,

    thanks for the comment on my blog. :)
    Did you really made this collage? It's pretty. What show are these models from? It's very interesting to see these oversized jackets. Haha.

  2. Gorgeous collage! Your have a very pretty blog and I will be visiting reguarly! xxoxoxoxo

  3. maybe if what you really want to do is get the blog better you should try focusing on something..

    i mean, from what i can see the blog is about alot of diverse kinds of art like fashion and photography, and those (for setting and example) are pretty large branches of art to cover and get the best of at the same time. maybe to be even better at it you should try choosing what you most like and make it the main topic of the blog ? just an opinion :) xoxo

  4. btw i dont think im logged in.. but im
    florenciaflorencia.blogspot.com ;)

  5. I adore this collage! Great work putting it together!

  6. Thank you so much for your sweet comment. Did you make all these collages? Pretty amazing, you have a new follower!

  7. Hey, thanks for your sweet words!

    I really like your blog. I think it's very original - the fact that you post fashion videos as often (if not more often) as fashion images is something Ive never seen before on a style blog. Keep it up :)

  8. Great collage.

  9. j'adore ca. link up?


  10. So gorgeous and sugar sweet, i'd totally do my hair like that every day if i could. x

  11. Best collection ever!!
    I wish there was a clothing like based on that collection.

  12. I like it so much!!!
    rabbits everywhere!!!
